Registration here

The registration can be done only through one resposible person from one university. No indvidual registration per participant (except if athlete is the only one from that university).


Registration deadlines:

16.02.2024. - General registration (intention of participation of schools)
16.03.2024. - Quantitative registration (specification of the number of participants for each sport)
16.04.2024. - Individual registration (personal details about each member of the delegation: name, photo, arrival-departure info and etc.)

PARTICIPATION FEE - 45 € / person / day

The participation fee includes:

* participation in competitions
* catering three time a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner*)
* all participants who are arriving at 16.05. must apply for dinner by email:
* only breakfast and lunch on 19.05.
* entrance to all competitions, SELL cultural activities and ceremonies
* the entry fee does NOT include accommodation and travel expenses.


Extra sport fee: If athlete wants to take part in several sports then for each extra sport the athlete must pay 10€ / per sport.



Medals By university
VU 13 19 11 43
KSU 0 2 0 2
EASS 3 0 5 8
KTU 4 11 19 34
UT 0 1 0 1
RTU 5 7 1 13
Uni Bonn 0 0 1 1
KU 1 2 1 4
AWF 1 4 2 7
MRU 5 1 6 12
UniTBv 2 0 0 2
LSU 18 13 15 46
LBTU 2 1 1 4
RSU 2 1 4 7
UNIZA 0 1 1 2
KK 1 0 0 1
VILNIUS TECH 3 5 11 19
Tuni 2 1 2 5
TLU 1 3 3 7
LSMU 7 3 7 17
UL 3 6 6 15
VDU 26 14 12 52
PU 0 4 0 4
DU 0 1 0 1
KDG 0 0 1 1
LASE 1 0 0 1
Nacionalinė sporto agentūra
Kauno miesto savivaldybė