Kaunas University of Technology (Faculty of Chemical Technology)
Radvilenu road 19, Kaunas


16.05. Thursday  16.00. - 22.00
17.05. Friday  07.30 - 15.00 
18.05. Saturday  -
19.05. Sunday -


Accreditation Office +37062658753
Competition Manager +370 610 43776

After arriving in Kaunas the Team leader/ Head of delegation should go to the Accreditation Center for accreditation.
Only the Team leader/ Head of delegation should enter the Accreditation Center, there is no need for the whole team to be present. If the team has no official team leader, one of the athletes can act as a team leader.

Medals By university
VU 13 19 11 43
KSU 0 2 0 2
EASS 3 0 5 8
KTU 4 11 19 34
UT 0 1 0 1
RTU 5 7 1 13
Uni Bonn 0 0 1 1
KU 1 2 1 4
AWF 1 4 2 7
MRU 5 1 6 12
UniTBv 2 0 0 2
LSU 18 13 15 46
LBTU 2 1 1 4
RSU 2 1 4 7
UNIZA 0 1 1 2
KK 1 0 0 1
VILNIUS TECH 3 5 11 19
Tuni 2 1 2 5
TLU 1 3 3 7
LSMU 7 3 7 17
UL 3 6 6 15
VDU 26 14 12 52
PU 0 4 0 4
DU 0 1 0 1
KDG 0 0 1 1
LASE 1 0 0 1
Nacionalinė sporto agentūra
Kauno miesto savivaldybė