XXXV SELL student sports games ended

XXXV SELL student sports games ended

19th of May ended XXXV SELL student sports games. From 1923 held games, this year in Kaunas had 1500 athletes from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Poland Russia and China.

Athletes represent 50 Universities. First place in medal table won Lithuanian Sport University, which gain 54 medals ( 19 gold, 19 silver, 16 bronze). Second place took China University of Geosciences - 7 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze. Third place - Vyutautas Magnus University - 6 gold, 5 silver, 10 bronze medals.

After final basketball game closing ceremonywas held, during which performed dancing group ''Me Gusta''. The President of Lithuanian students sports association Česlovas Garbaliauskas gave game flag to Lathi University of Applied Science President CEO Turo Kilpelainen.

Medals By university
VU 13 19 11 43
KSU 0 2 0 2
EASS 3 0 5 8
KTU 4 11 19 34
UT 0 1 0 1
RTU 5 7 1 13
Uni Bonn 0 0 1 1
KU 1 2 1 4
AWF 1 4 2 7
MRU 5 1 6 12
UniTBv 2 0 0 2
LSU 18 13 15 46
LBTU 2 1 1 4
RSU 2 1 4 7
UNIZA 0 1 1 2
KK 1 0 0 1
VILNIUS TECH 3 5 11 19
Tuni 2 1 2 5
TLU 1 3 3 7
LSMU 7 3 7 17
UL 3 6 6 15
VDU 26 14 12 52
PU 0 4 0 4
DU 0 1 0 1
KDG 0 0 1 1
LASE 1 0 0 1
Nacionalinė sporto agentūra
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